One benefit of Wade working nights he was able to go to Robs check up with us. He has not been able to go since Rob was 2 weeks old!
Rob weighed in at 13 lbs 15 oz and was 25 1/4 inches long! He did not gain much weight from last month but he grew almost 2 inches! He was So happy before he got his shots! Wade said he thinks it was harder on him than it was for Rob! He didn't let me hold Rob very long, he took him to calm him down!
The doctor gave us the go ahead to start giving Rob Rice cereal. I had a video but I can't get it to upload as usual! He got most of it on his face! :)
He was not too sure about it! He gave us this face a lot!
He enjoyed chewing on his bib more than anything! He did get quite a bit of the rice cereal off there though and ate it!!
He loves his new bib! He sits and just looks at it! :)
He was SO messy after eating he had to get a bath! He had so much rice cereal in the rolls of his neck! He loves to pick the wash cloth up and suck all the water out of it so I make sure I bring two wash cloths for bath time!
I don't know why I have never taken a picture of Rob in this! He is so cute! :)
One week from today we are going to be going to Colorado! We are so excited to see everyone! This will be Robs first time there and he also gets to meet his uncle andrew finally!! Wade can't wait for Rob to see a horse and sit on one! :)
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