Tuesday, October 12, 2010

 Last week Rob and I took grandpa grocery shopping with us. He had so much fun because this is how grandpa pushed him through the store and the parking lot! :)
 30 seconds after getting him in his car seat before we left the parking lot he was out! :)
 Last week I tried to let Rob cry himself to sleep during his nap...this is how he fell asleep...for 10 minutes!
 We did a garage sale at Uncle Chris and Aunt Laura's house on Friday and Saturday. Rob had a little bit of a runny nose so I wanted to keep him bundled up. I think this hat was a little too warm for that day even though he looked so cute in it! :)
 So we went with a lighter weight one!
 Grandma was in Texas all last week for work and then visiting with her sister. She brought back a cute new pair of PJ's for Rob!
 This is how Rob holds his toy! :) It rolls away from him. When you move the monkey it makes noise so when it stops he just hits it again!
We ended our fun on Saturday at the garage sale. That is when I noticed I didn't feel too well! Wade has been doing SO much!!! I have such an amazing husband!! Since Sunday wade has taken care of Rob and I. I have been running a fever so I have been staying away from Rob. My amazing husband has been going to work, getting home and playing with Rob, making dinner, cleaning, doing laundry, and taking care of me! When I try to do something he won't let me! I am very blessed to have such an amazing husband!!!



Love the hats!

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