Friday, July 8, 2011

Trip to the zoo!

 Last night Wade and Rob watched the twins game together! A friend from church got Rob his very own twins hat because he knew how much his daddy loves the team! :)

 Today we decided to go to the zoo with Nana. We also go to go with Aunt Lauren, Gabriel, Uncle Chris, Aunt Laura, and Payton.
 While we were getting ready this morning I couldn't find my tooth brush. So I asked Rob where is was (he likes to take them out of the drawer sometimes) so he walked me to the living room and showed me where he put it for me! :)
 He was SO excited to be at the zoo!!
 It was a very warm but fun day!!
 Rob loved going in the bird house. He loves to sit in our living room and look for birds with his Papa so it was exciting to him to see such big birds and so many!

 He also loved this wall of holes to stick your head through! :)
 Aunt Lauren was hiding behind the wall and would randomly pop her head out and Rob thought it was the greatest thing ever!!
 He would run from one hole to the next trying to find her!
 There were a lot of animals that Rob was not really in to. He did however love the bears! He would run up to the glass windows and make his version of a bear noise!

 We also got to see a bunch of wild dogs. Rob sat barking at them trying to get them to respond.
 Eating a granola bar with Nana and looking at the animals.

We had such a fun time with everyone. Rob had fun exploring the zoo and seeing all the animals! :)


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