Wednesday, October 26, 2011

 Some of these pictures are a little out of order. Its been a while since I've done a post so there are a lot of pictures. This is right after Robs hair cut! :)

 This shirt was a great one for him to wear for the day! :)

 I love how it never gets old seeing your kids sleeping! I love how I found Rob all sprawled out! :)
 I am so thankful for these two little boys we have been blessed with!
 We have been SO blessed with everything we have been given! I have not had to buy any clothes or shoes for Rob since he was born. A major plus is everything is super cute too! Here he is wearing his first pair of cowboy boots for the first time! He absolutely loved them and was dancing around! :)

 Tyler has been changing so much! He seems to be growing so much faster than Rob did when he was that little! Sometimes I wish I had a pause button for life!

 Here is another picture of Rob in his boots!
 There was a sale going on so I ordered some more pacifiers for the boys since they seem to keep disappearing!  Rob was SO excited about all of them! He tried out each one as he took them out of the bag!

 Today we went over to my sisters house so Rob and Gabriel could play together. I found them looking out the window at the train going by!
 Rob loves his Aunt Laurens house because a train goes by every 15 minutes it seems like! :) He always goes running to the window yelling "Choo choo".


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