Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning Rob was a little sad every time I put him down! Wade had to leave early because we had friend day at church and he had to pick up some of the van kids. So I was running around getting ready and I had to set him down a few times! He was a little sleepy! Thankfully he got over it quickly! 

Then I get the blank stare! I couldn't get him to smile for anything! And yes his collar is up because of his father! There is a little boy named Jack in our church and he is a cute 6 year old! When we found out we were pregnant wade said if it is a boy he wanted him to be cool like Jack and dress like Jack! ;) So Jack always has his collar flipped up so wade decided to try it out on Rob today!

There's the smile! :) We love how the littlest things make him smile! 

It was nice and sunny here today so Rob wore his hat! 

This picture makes him look so chubby! We love his big belly! ;) I am not sure what it is about this outfit but today and last time Rob wore it he had big leaking poops! :) Last time he pooped all over wades lap at church (on his new suit). Today I caught it in time and we only had a tiny leak which dripped on my foot when I was carrying him and I had flip flops on!!

We had to change his outfit when we got home from church! It was in the 90's today so we put on a short outfit! I love him in Polo outfits especially when I didn't have to pay for them! :) Hand me downs are GREAT!

His legs are getting so strong! He loves when we stand him up. He is kicking and pushing off of things with his feet.

He was back to his blank stare again! He just sits and looks at wade when he talks to him. After I put the camera away he smiled!
Oh by the way this picture was taken after he spit up and pooped on our bed!!!!!! Thankfully he is so cute we can laugh it off! :) I will be washing the sheets tomorrow!


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